Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Packing Stinks, But Goodbyes are the Worst!

First, I should take a moment to thank everyone for checking in so frequently… even if you didn’t find anything new. 

Needless to say, packing, moving, and starting a new job have kept me…… Um what is the word… CRAZY, OH MY GOD, BUSY!

There are boxes stacked up EVERYWHERE, but I needed to take a break to update.  Good thing Eros is part mountain goat!

So, speaking of boxes let’s talk about how many there were to move.  Boxes, furniture, etc. 

All of this…


And this…

All of that, plus bed, had to be loaded into two large “ReloCubes.”   And,  I get by with a little help from my friends.  So thank goodness for Kerry, Andy, Andy’s brother Aaron, and little Charlie.   Now before anyone calls the labor board on me, it is important to note that Charlie was working as the project manager, i.e. standing by to make sure everyone was doing their job correctly.


While that was a lot of work, it was not nearly as hard as the goodbyes…

The goodbyes started at an awesome “Going Away” party put together by Josh and Natalie.  Anytime a picture like this is snapped of me, you can be guaranteed it was a good time.  

As I set there with some family and friends, getting a mini roast of my very own (thank you Josh and Chad,) Colorado also decided to give me a goodbye.  Such a beautiful sunset that I will no doubt miss, and demand to see again soon.

The following days were filled with… guess!?!?!  Packing!!! As I continued loading each box, I was overwhelmed with emotions that stemmed not knowing when I would be back in Colorado to see everyone.  I pushed through and soon the BIG day was upon me.  The day in which I would get in the car with a newly bathed Eros, and begin driving towards my new life in Ohio.  Nothing, and I mean NOTHING could have prepared me for how hard it really was to say goodbye to my parents.  Now, before the judgment ensues, please remember, for thirty years, I had never been more than 15 minutes from them.  And while they can be… um… parents, I like to believe I have pretty awesome parents.  If you know me at all, you know how much I adore my mom and how I pretty much think she is the best thing in the whole entire world! My heart and tear ducts, have never worked as hard as they did that day!  And rather than continue (which I can’t cause it makes me tear up) I will just say giving her a hug and saying goodbye was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do…

But I did it (sigh) and continued down the road to pick up Chad for the next steps of the adventure… Which leaves me a great opportunity to wrap this post up, and leave you all hanging for another. :P

In the efforts to leave you with a smile, and not a visual of a sobbing Zahra driving down the road, a picture of Eros’ pre-move spa day… As you can see, she was not impressed!



  1. C'mon!
    More blogging!
    Tell the world what it's like to be Miss Columbus!

  2. C'mon!
    More blogging!
    Tell what it's like to be crowned Miss Columbus
